Safeguarding and Child Wellbeing

November 28, 2018by BoldThemes0


Safeguarding is more than child protection. Safeguarding begins with preventative education and activities which enable children and young people to grow up safely and securely in circumstances where their development and wellbeing is promoted.

Safeguarding and child protection

Child Well-being includes support to families and early intervention to meet the needs of children and continues through to child protection, which refers specifically to the activity that is undertaken to protect individual children or young people who are suffering, or likely to suffer harm

In recognition of the key role that a school plays in the life of a child, schools have a safeguarding responsibility towards the children and young people in their charge. This course aims to assist the school leaders and school staff in fulfilling their responsibilities regarding their safeguarding and child protection role, in order to promote clarity and consistency of approach across all schools.

In Vietnam, public awareness of matters relating to safeguarding and child protection continues to grow, as the whole context rapidly expands due to changes in society and, particularly, new technology. Recent safeguarding and child protection cases have highlighted the need for everyone to take responsibility for protecting children as well as the necessity for those in key positions to have a clear understanding of their role in adhering to the child protection policies and procedures in schools.


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